but with the fog coming in early evening it was hard to find the righ spot for our camp between the crevasses, and temperatures were dropping way lower than forecasted, so our evening run was cut short and what was planed as a relaxed night in the tents turned more into a bivac. overnight our main cameraman got sick as well, so we had a delayed start in the morning at 5 am, which made us miss the sunrisde on woldspitze by 10 minutes. ouch. we only stayed 3 minutes at the top anyway, it was just too cold with the howling wind, the windchillfactor turning the minus 25 to a nice minus 40 celsius.
after a warmup in the camp we got ready for the main lines of the day in the taschachwand, which turned out to have really good snow and made up for a lot. riding back to the the bottom of the valley with 35 kg on the back of each of us was still a hard last task, but we made it. thanks to all the crew for the motivation!!!!!!
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Message 21 of 160